The image of a modern ukrainian superhero in mass media


  • Oksana Gaiduk



hero, superhero, comic culture, mass culture, mass communications.


The purpose of the article is to identify specific features of the modern Ukrainian superhero as a mechanism of cultural reflection. Recently, comics have become popular in Ukraine, and on the shelves of bookstores every year, there are more and more interesting Ukrainian superhero comic stories that are closely intertwined with socio-cultural and political contexts. However, the image of a modern Ukrainian superhero remains an unexplored phenomenon. The research methodology includes a historical method for systematizing the available material, a method of analysis used to compare national and foreign publications and projects where superheroes operate, and a synthesis method for summarizing the results of the research. The scientific novelty is to identify the main features of the modern Ukrainian superhero and its representation in the mass media as a tool for self-analysis of Ukrainian society. Conclusions. Modern Ukrainian comic culture produces the latest images that emerge from the circumstances of Ukrainian society (the Revolution of Dignity, the war in the East of Ukraine). The Ukrainian superhero, following the traditions of the world classics, has superhuman capabilities and special character traits. Through mass media promoting the image of a superhero, national values are actively promoted in Ukraine.


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