Art and anthropology in the discourse of european studies


  • Viсtor Karpov
  • Olexandra Bondyk
  • Anna Lymar
  • Oleg Naumov



historiography, art, anthropology, European discourse, museum, visual anthropology, culturology, art culture.


The purpose of the study is to highlight the thematic areas of scientific study by European scientists of the theoretical and practical foundations of the relationship between anthropology and art. Methodology. In accordance with the set goal, a set of research methods of contemporary art history based on an anthropic approach to the analysis of artistic phenomena, as well as methods of heuristic and hermeneutic cognition in combination with the use of bibliographic and historiographical methods. The use of these research methods contributed to obtaining their own results. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the formulation and development of a topical, little-studied in domestic art history theme of the anthropology of art. The results of the study can serve as an important component in the study of contemporary art, anthropology, and the development of art history. Conclusions. Historiographical analysis has shown the existence of scientific art discourse on the place and role of art in anthropology and its impact on the theory of art history and art practice. It is concluded that the anthropology of art appears as a theoretical basis of artistic practices, considers the artist as a socially significant phenomenon that produces an internal reflection on social processes. The importance of the relationship between anthropology and contemporary art has long been recognized, however, the debate is still ongoing, usually among scholars from North America, Europe, and Australia. Research and anthropological experience from other regions are largely absent from the debate.


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