The theoretical and creative heritage of Volodymyr Sichynsky (Lviv period 1920–1923 gg.)


  • Roksolana Patyk



theoretical and creative heritage, early period, scientific research, Ukrainian culture.


The purpose of the research is to thoroughly study the scientific, theoretical, artistic, and pedagogical and creative activity of Ukrainian art historian and architect V. Sichynskyy during the period 1920–1923. Methodology. The comparative-typological method of analysis of the creative and theoretical works of V. Sichynskyi is used. The methods of scientific research of texts, in particular, the method of classification, are also chosen for research of its theoretical heritage. This method contributed to a detailed study of the theoretical heritage of the researcher, its division by subject and problem. The scientific novelty of the research is that for the first time a thorough analysis of the scientific, theoretical, pedagogical, and creative activity of V. Sichynsky during the period 1920–1923 is carried out. Conclusions. It was established that Lviv became a platform for the formation of a young scientist and architect V. Sichynskyi. The result of the scholar's activity during the period 1920–1923 was a series of scientific works that made a significant contribution to the development of national art history, the history and theory of architecture, fine arts and crafts, engravings and Ukrainian culture in general.


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