Methodological basis of the «Entertainment» phenomenon within the postmodern discourse


  • Olena Chumachenko



«Entertainment», Western European culture of the XX century, postmodernism, visual culture, artificial reality.


The purpose of the article consists of the determination of the methodological basis of the phenomenon of "Entertainment" in the discourse of postmodernism. The research methodology consists in the application of the analytical method - to determine the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of the phenomenon of "Entertainment" in the discourse of postmodernism; the hermeneutic method - for the interpretation of the semantic content of the phenomenon of "Entertainment" in the context of the theories of post-structuralists and post-Freudians in the discourse of postmodernism; we use the historical and cultural method to investigate holistic images-concepts of the phenomenon of "Entertainment" in Western European culture in the discourse of postmodernism. The scientific novelty of the work is that for the first time the essence of the phenomenon of «Entertainment» in the theories of post-structuralists and post-Freudians in the discourse of postmodernism. Conclusions. The phenomenon of "Entertainment" begins to be seen as a form of manifestation of visual culture in the discourse of postmodernism, this phenomenon does not reflect reality but simulates this reality through experiments with artificial reality. Each context has exhaustive possibilities for its reading and interpretation, any element of artistic language can be used in another - social, political and cultural - context, or it can be influenced outside the framework of any context, which in a vivid way became the basis of the phenomenon of "Entertainment" (J. Derrida); «Entertainment» is a form of ironic rethinking in the aspect of the response to postmodernism to the avant-garde, on the recognition of the impossibility of destroying the heritage of the past and a call for an ironic rethinking of this past (R. Rorty); the essence of «Entertainment» is the process of combining already existing art forms (J. Baudrillard); - all aspects vividly prove that the philosophical concepts of R. Barthes, J. Baudrillard, J. Delioz, F. Guattari, F. Jameson were the methodological basis of the phenomenon of «Entertainment» in the discourse of postmodernism.


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