Visual research in the context of the examination of cultural values


  • Svitlana Shman



examination of cultural values, methods of expert research, visual rotation, visual research of culture, “view of the era”.


Purpose of the article. The article analyzes the methodological support of the examination of cultural values, including the initial step - art analysis, clarifies the interdependence of art and visual approaches in the interpretation of works of art. In particular, the prospects for the development of visual research as a source of new information during the examination of cultural valuesare identified. The problems of visual research of culture are highlighted and the specifics of its application during the research of works of art are determined. The possibility of implementing methods of visual and expert research of cultural valuesis considered. Methodology. The methodological basis of the study were the principles of historicism, comprehensiveness and scientific reliability, as well as art and cultural approaches, typological and theoretical generalization, which allowed to determine the main forms of visual research, its interaction and role in research of cultural objects. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is determined by the possibility of applying new methods and approaches in expert activity, in particular understanding the current trends in the analysis of cultural objects, acquaintance with the dynamics and forms of analysis of visual research, understanding the theory of images used by visual researchers. examination of cultural values. Conclusions. Today, new methods from various fields of knowledge are actively involved in the study of cultural values, which led to the emergence and formation of a powerful domestic school of expertise in the field of culture. Visual research is a relatively young phenomenon, characterized by pronounced socio-cultural dynamics. Consideration of visual research in the context of the examination of cultural values is an attempt to go beyond traditional art history and the formation of new value criteria, and possibly the social components of expert research.


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