Historical and Theoretical Approaches to Aesthetic Development of High School Students


  • Maryna Tatarenko
  • Olena Kosinova
  • Yaroslav Lanchak




aesthetic ideal, creative activity, aesthetic knowledge, world experience, means of aesthetic education.


The purpose of the article is to study the problem of aesthetic education of student youth. The research methodology provides a comprehensive approach using analytical, systematic methods, comparative, which allows us to understand that the aesthetic education of creative youth requires meaningful content, creating optimal conditions for aesthetic education of students of creative specialties. The scientific novelty of the work is that it characterizes the aesthetic education, which is aimed at the development of creative abilities, involves the study of a historical approach to this problem. It is determined that the action of the power of beauty was actively used to strengthen the morale of young people at different stages of the history of civilization and the country. The study, for example, of the aesthetic ideal of ancient Greece, which is invariably associated with the concept of citizen, reveals the natural constant desire of young people for self-improvement, aesthetic enjoyment of the beauty of nature, art. Conclusions. Thus, the history of aesthetic education indicates the existence of various approaches to its organization and conduct. For the first time in history, the conscious use of certain means, methods, techniques and forms of aesthetic education in the pedagogical process is observed in artistic free economic zones, which have inherited centuries-old experience of forming future aesthetic specialists. To our time in domestic pedagogy the theoretical bases and a technique of aesthetic education of creative youth have developed. Without aesthetic education, a creative personality of a comprehensive and harmoniously developed specialist cannot be formed today.


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Мистецький простір: історія та сучасність