Features of multimedia design presentation for a virtual art environment


  • Oksana Mel’nyk
  • Viktor Shtets




multimedia presentation, museum, art, virtual environment, means of expression


The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of virtual art environment formation by multimedia tools. The methodology of the research involves the use of general and special research methods. Complex and analytical methods are defined as basic. Methods of system-comparative and formal analysis, as well as systematization, generalization and visual-graphic methods in the study of empirical material were used to identify specific features, content and visual features of multimedia presentations. The scientific novelty of the work is in a comprehensive analysis of the virtual artistic environment in the context of its content formation using multimedia design. Conclusions. It has been found that today museums are increasingly turning to the virtual environment for effective communication, and the most effective way to transmit information is to involve multimedia design. The synthesis of traditional and innovative means of artistic expression in the context of the formation of static and interactive visual content of the art institution becomes an effective mechanism of communication with the virtual visitor.


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