The Kyiv School of Sacred Painting of the Mid to Late XVIIIth to Early XIXth Century: A Phenomenon of the Kyiv-Lavra «Kuzhbushky»


  • Taras Veremeienko



art, icon-painting workshop, Kyiv-Lavra of the Caves, students


The purpose of the article is to study the activities of the Kyiv-Lavra of the Caves icon-painting workshop in the mid to late XVIIIth to the early XIXth century. The author describes the conditions of studying at the workshop: the period of stay there, the social composition of students. The research methodology is based on using the principles of historicism and objectivity, as well as the historical-comparative method, it helps to explore the history of the Kyiv Lavra workshop and the conditions of students. Scientific novelty. The author introduces into science a number of archival documents and drawings, which were previously insufficiently used in scientific works. An icon-painting workshop is shown as an institute for teaching icon painting. The conditions of studying are characterized: the period of stay at the workshop, social composition of students, escapes of students from the Kyiv-Lavra, an attitude of monks towards them, a charity for orphans, etc. Conclusions. So, the submitted findings demonstrate that the Kyiv school of sacred painting had a high-level icon-painting development, and for that reason, all lovers of the profession, as well as clergy from other churches came to study there. After all, any gifted person could study at the Kyiv-Lavra icon-painting workshop. Anyway, social status did not matter. Each student received a certificate of admission and dismissal from the icon-painting workshop. As a rule, the term of study was 5 to 7 years. Sometimes, students were fired for a lack of desire to learn or skill. Each student studied in the cells with a teacher. If a chief or a teacher of the icon-painting workshop died before a student’s specified period of study, the latter received compensation from the Kyiv-Lavra. The number of students and apprentices was unsteady. After being graduated, a student personally determined is own future. Therefore, this issue is very important, has various theoretical and practical prospects, and needs further research in future studies.


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