Icons of Podillya at the end of the XIX century: Stylistic and technological research


  • Yelyzaveta Shuliak




iconography, icons of Podillya


The purpose of the work – to identify the artistic features of icon painting of Podolia in the late XIX century. and collecting region icons The research methodology is based on the application of the historical method for systematization of the material, the method of artistic analysis to establish the artistic features of icon painting and the method of synthesis to summarize the results of the study. Scientific novelty lies in the study of aspects of the iconography of the Podolsk region at the end of the XIX century, namely stylistic features and techniques. The issues of collecting and creating private and public collections, which have a significant impact on the popularization of the iconography of Podolsk icons, are considered. Technological examination and microscopic examination of the icon from the private collection of Volodymyr Kozyuk in the Bureau of Scientific and Technical Examination were carried out. Conclusions. In the times of independent Ukraine, the collection of antiquities is actively developing, which contributes to the study and popularization of the icon as a special kind of easel art. Icons of Podillya are a combination of the canon of the church, creativity and high skill of artists, they are an important part of the national heritage of Ukraine. Podolsk icons are often multi-figure, simple in compositional solution, they have no perspective. The figures of the saints are monumental, they are decided frontally, the proportions are different from the academic ones. The icons are large in size and have a special rich color, numerous ornamental motifs of large size. The masters used the technique of a wide painting stroke.


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