Organization of measures for popularization of culture and art in Ukraine


  • Lesya Chervinsʹka



culture, art, popularization, popularization of culture, events, organization of events.


The purpose of the article. The article is devoted to clarifying the features of organizing events for the popularization of culture and art in Ukraine. Methodology. The research methodology is based on the application of a number of general scientific and special research methods, including analysis, synthesis, generalization, induction, deduction, system analysis, classification, comparative method. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the work is to improve existing and develop new measures to address the main problems of cultural decline in Ukraine. Conclusions. A list of the main problems hindering the development of the cultural sphere of Ukraine has been formed. To overcome the existing problems and minimize the risks of decline of Ukrainian culture and art, we propose to take the following measures: to promote the development of event management in various spheres of state development, in particular in the field of culture and art; to develop a portfolio of event events to promote culture and art both domestically and internationally; to form expert bases and to develop standards of mechanisms of expert monitoring; to develop and implement mechanisms for attracting the private sector as a tool for the development of investment activities in the field of culture and art; create a platform for interaction of cultural and artistic entities with investors and sponsors to strengthen their mutual cooperation; to promote the decentralization policy of the cultural, creative and audiovisual sectors; support artistic, analytical and information development programs in the cultural, creative and audiovisual sectors, in particular among beginners; stimulate the development of formal and non-formal learning for actors in the cultural, creative and audiovisual sectors; create programs to support the external integration of young and professional actors in the cultural, creative and audiovisual sectors; to promote the development of narrow-minded mass media and popularization of culture and art of Ukraine, both in print and online; to create a competitive innovative cultural product and promote it in domestic and foreign markets; to stimulate the development of innovative areas of cultural self-expression, to create a modern competitive product of international level; to promote the preservation, development and promotion of national cultural heritage and to form a positive image of Ukraine in the international arena.


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