The symbolic content of the image impersonation in the practice of theater culture


  • Olena Khlystun


The purpose of the article is to highlight the symbolic meaning of the image actor impersonation in the historical practice of the theatrical culture. The methodology of the research is based on the principles of the historical, problem-chronological, cultural and artistic analysis of the various stages of the development of the phenomenon of the impersonation. The method of the phenomenological historicism was used for identifying of the uniqueness of each creative act of the impersonation. The scientific novelty lies in the detection of the symbolic essence of the acting skill of the impersonation of an actor into an artistic image. Conclusions. The symbolic meaning of the theatrical impersonation is contained in the archetypical imagery, professional visuality in the theatrical art of the different cultural epochs, understanding of which requires a proper level of the mental and spiritual development of the public in the process of the perception of the metaphorical and symbolic and symbolic content of the image on the theatrical stage.

