Features of the formation of stylistic and coloristic requirements for the design of calendars on ecologi- cal topics


  • Nataliia Hlushyk


The purpose of the work is to create requirements for the design of calendars on environmental topics. The methodology of the study lies in the use of descriptive method, method of color-graphic and analytical analysis. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the research distinguishes the features of the approach to the visualiz- ing of environmental themes in the design of calendars. Conclusions. Therefore, we determined that the calendar com- bines two functions – utilitarian and decorative. Therefore, achieving harmony between beauty and practicality is one of the most important tasks of the designer. We have found that when creating calendars on environmental topics you need to take into account the general principles of creating graphic design, namely to adhere to the laws of composition and color harmony and to take into account the rules of the combination of fonts. In addition, it is important not to forget about the specifics of the subject. It is also possible to use the techniques of figurative advertising and slogans.

