Leading methods of professional acting training: emotional aspects


  • Iryna Ivashchenko
  • Viktoriia Strelchuk


The purpose of the article is to study the emotional aspect of modern leading techniques of professional actor training. The methodology of the research is based on the principles of objectivity, historicism, multifactority, systemicity, complexity, development and pluralism, and to achieve the goal, the methods of scientific knowledge are used: problem-chronological, concrete historical, statistical, descriptive, logical-analytical. Scientific novelty. The study of the process of formation and development of the system of actor's preparation in the historical retrospective and at the present stage is carried out; The structure and content of the training courses for the preparation of actors in the world's leading artistic educational institutions are considered; analyzed ways of actor access to emotions through the use of various practices; the expediency and importance of introducing in the educational process methods that promote the formation of students' skills to express emotions without injuring their psyche is proved. Conclusions. As a result of the research of the emotional aspect of the leading contemporary acting techniques and trainings, it was found that it is expedient to introduce alternative methods in the system of actor training in higher art educational institutions that contribute to the formation of skills to control their own emotions, which is an important part of acting.

