Factors of form creating of modern Jordanian logos


  • Al Ravashdeh Samer


The purpose of the work is to identify and generalize the main factors of form creating in modern logos of information and news resources of Jordan. The methodology of the research involves the use of complex and analytical methods in systematizing and generalizing theoretical material, as well as methods of artistic, visual, stylistic, morphological-compositional, geometric and complex analysis when working with illustrative material. The scientific novelty of the work is to broaden the understanding of the specificity of the graphic design of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan by discovering the factors of shaping, as well as the composite and figurative parameters of the modern Jordanian logos. Conclusions. The article proves that the main factor of the formation of the modern logos of Jordan is, first of all, the architectonic, compositional and plastic features of the traditional Arabic calligraphy writing, which serves both as a text and its visual form. Other factors include the visual language of the traditional Jordanian ornament, as well as the graphic-figurative system of realistic and stylized artwork developed under the influence of Western culture.

