Airtime quotas at the radio stations in the world practice as a stimulant of production of domestic music product


  • Nikita Bogdanov


Purpose of the work is through the analysis of modern scientific researches to study the international experience of conducting the national policy on introduction of quotas at the audio- and media markets and perspectives of implementation of such policy in Ukraine. Methodology of the research consists in the use of formal and comparative methods for studying European experience on the implementation of the national policy on introduction of quotas in the information space and Ukrainian market of music radio products (as of 2014-2016) as conditions for normalization of quota legislation as well as revealing advantages and disadvantages of quota policy as a possibility of promotion of Ukrainian music content. Scientific novelty of the research consists in revealing the main provisions on the existing in the international practice phenomenon of “air time quotas for music content for radio stations” and identifying the key issues and problems of relevance and rationality of this practice in the XXI century, in the era of Internet. Conclusions. Analysis of European experience and specialized sources allowed to conclude that quotas are an important domestic political factor of promotion of the national music products. At the state level legislator should take into account such rate and structure of quota, which will answer media market ones and not to prevent the growth or restrict the diversity in this sector. General volumes of quotas are balanced according to production capacity in the market to facilitate investment. However, it is appropriate to provide subsidies or tax incentives for production in order to most effectively support the development of Ukrainian musical production.

