Joke songs in Poturya wedding ritual mythology (Western Volyn)


  • Inna Shvorak


The purpose of the article is to investigate the genre-functional model of joke songs and their translation into the social and everyday life of Volynians through the prism of the mythology of the wedding-ritual traditions of the Poturya. The methodology of the research consists in the application of  interdisciplinary approach involving cultural, ethnological, philosophical and art-study methods of analysis. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the role of joke songs and their ritual-mythological semantics in the wedding ceremonial tradition of Poturya is considered. Conclusions. Humorous folklore occupies a special niche in the oral folk art of the Volynians. Interesting from this point of view is the wedding rite of the Poturya. To joke songs we refer the timed (ladkańki, invitation to the kiss) and not timed (songs to the dance and the table). Each song text can play two ceremonial functions at the same time. The first one is transmitting, which comments on the actions, removes the taboo on shame, reveals social and human vices, and openly shows the ridicules, which in everyday "serious" life may not be quite acceptable. The second function is entertaining-communicative one. Here you can find the moments of the interrogation between the bridesmen and the groom's girlfriends, treats of uninvited guests, the ransom of the bride, which represent different sides of the mythological-oppositional structure of "us-them". The study of  comic wedding singing of the Poturya creates a prospect for further research of the mythological semantics of wedding songs and their dramaturgy role in the wedding rituals.

