Creative Unions in the Process of Cultural Creation of Civil Society


  • Ruslan Mokhnyuk



The purpose of the article is to analyze the factual and practical experience of creative unions of Ukraine in the context of cultural creation of civil society. Methodology. General scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, induction, deduction allow to present the material in their cultural and historical integrity, to outline the features of the functioning of creative unions and to trace their impact on the development of civil society. The study of cultural mode is based on the use of the phenomenological method. Scientific novelty is to highlight the cultural aspect of the activities of creative unions for the development of civil society. The research can be used by creative unions in planning, implementation of cultural and artistic projects, development of thematic scientific and methodological materials, as well as in reading cultural disciplines in higher education. Conclusions. Factual and practical material on the activities of creative unions in Ukraine exists in a separate, non-systematic manner. Creative unions are basically charged with a cultural approach to the search for and implementation of modern projects, which are mostly clustered in nature. The cultural mode of creative projects, combining content and form with their aesthetic and artistic reproduction of reality, value-semantic dominants, innovative discoveries, identity, are decisive in the development of civil society.




