Creative dimensions of dniprovs's underground artists: Volodymyr Bublyk and Anatoly Sologub




The purpose of the article is to analyze the creative layer of the little-known Dnipro underground representatives in Ukrainian art criticism Volodymyr Bublyk (1950–2007) and Anatolii Solohub (1953–2014). As the methodology of scientific research was used an art history analysis based on the complex systematization, comparison, and generalization. The scientific novelty is in the introduction into scientific circulation of a significant part of the graphic heritage of Volodymyr Bublyk and Anatolii Solohub in the Dnipro region underground context of the 1980 s – 2000 s. Conclusions. An analysis of Volodymyr Bublyk and Anatolii Solohub’s work reveals a number of important aspects for characterizing the Dnipro “art of resistance”. The latter was formed in the conditions of a “closed” city, the impossibility of official exhibiting due to an alienated attitude towards the dominant ideology in the artistic process of that time. For many artists, these factors often became the cause of the existential catastrophe of every creative person. With contemporaries-brothers Volodymyr Loboda (1943), Serhii Aliev-Kovyka (1956), Oleksandr Nemiatyi (1954), the above-mentioned masters were related by the chosen format of radicalism, which was truly underground. However, the methods of creative communication of each person differed depending on the acquired life experience, the available body of knowledge, and personal temperament. The paintings of Volodymyr Bubluk combine the expression of images in a coloristic system that goes back to the aesthetics of the Fauves. A similar stylistic model of the master's painting can be delineated by the category of intuitive expressionism. The works of Anatolii Solohub are closely related to the folk tradition in their subject matter. The inner tension of his compositions, combined with unrestrained dynamics, strives for visual communication with the viewer.

Key words: Dnipro underground, plein air, painting, graphics, sculpture, folk painting, art society "Steppe".





Образотворче мистецтво, декоративне мистецтво, реставрація