Choral art of Ukraine as a multilevel socio-cultural phenomenon in the context of the historical process




The purpose of the work is to study the choral art of Ukraine in historical retrospect as a multi-level socio-cultural phenomenon and a leading direction of modern artistic culture. The research methodology is based on the principles of cultural, historical, logical, comparative and interdisciplinary approaches, the application of methods of analysis, synthesis, and generalization, which made it possible to conduct a study of choral art in historical retrospect as a multi-level socio-cultural phenomenon and a leading direction of modern artistic culture of Ukraine. The historical method, the methodology of structural and functional analysis is applied. Elements of universal logical procedures of cognition are used: induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis. The scientific novelty consists in revealing the main trends in the development of choral art of Ukraine in traditional and modern society as a multi-level socio-cultural phenomenon, defining the essence of choral performance as a phenomenon of the artistic culture of Ukraine. Conclusions. Choral art of Ukraine is a dynamic artistic phenomenon that is successfully developing, occupying an increasingly important place in the national culture. The choral art of Ukraine forms emotional and value bases, ideals, moral principles, and a way of life. Choral art of Ukraine, as an integral part of artistic culture, is able to reflect the dynamics of culture, all socio-political and moral views of society in a specific historical period, at one or another stage of society's existence. The choral art of Ukraine is a dynamic system that is not static, has a tendency towards constant development, is an artistic phenomenon capable of changing both in the direction of academic universalism and in the direction of regional identity. The choral art of Ukraine is successfully developing today, occupying an increasingly important place in the national culture. Choral art of Ukraine always reveals the unity of human and nature, expressing with immediacy and simplicity folk wisdom, which is based on the eternal laws of human existence.

Key words: choral art of Ukraine, choir, choral performance, artistic culture, socio-cultural phenomenon, historical retrospective.




