Symbolism of Artistic Language and Principles of Image Making in Oleh Denysenko’s Art Books


  • Svitlana Streltsova



The purpose of the article is to highlight the tools of symbolism of the artistic language of the art books of Lviv artist Oleh Denysenko in the context of contemporary artistic processes. The research methodology is based on hermeneutical, axiological, and semiotic research methods as the basis for understanding the sacred meaning of the sign system in the artist's work. Complex, chronological, biographical, and comparative methods of analysis of the author's works are used. The scientific novelty lies in the attempt to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the art book phenomenon in the context of contemporary art, not only from the standpoint of its positioning as a design category and a graphic phenomenon, but also taking into account the technological side of the work's production. Conclusions. The article is an analysis of one of the most characteristic components of the creative work of the contemporary Lviv graphic artist Oleh Denysenko, who can be attributed to the flagship of the Lviv school of graphics. The article examines the peculiarities and figurative construction of the “artist's book” – art book – in O. Denysenko’s work, taking into account technological characteristics, i.e. it studies all stages of the process from the idea, concept to the visualisation of the idea, the technological side of its implementation. The basic principles of imagery and symbolism of the artistic language used in the approaches to solving the general idea emphasise the value of manual labour and the exclusivity of the artwork. The most interesting examples of the author's creative work presented in the design solutions of art objects are considered. The creative experiments of Lviv graphic artrist Oleh Denisenko, graphic design and technological features of execution emphasise the importance of his contribution to the formation of cultural values and the perception of works of art by society. Attention is paid to the interpretation of signs and symbols that serve as a means of communication between generations and the transmission of the artist's own experience and thoughts.

Key words: Oleh Denysenko, symbolism, artistic language, imagery, style dominant, figurative and symbolic language, art book.





Образотворче мистецтво, декоративне мистецтво, реставрація