Phenomenon of Technoculture in the Context of Transhumanism: Interaction between Humanity and Technology


  • Andrii Horbatiuk



The purpose of this article is to describe and substantiate the concept of technoculture and its importance in the context of contemporary philosophical and sociocultural directions, particularly transhumanism. The research methodology involves applying various levels: analytical, to immerse into the problematics of the chosen scientific research theme and synthesise acquired knowledge; and employing a full spectrum of methods (cultural, psychological, hermeneutic, historical, theoretical generalisation) to comprehensively understand the stated issue. The scientific novelty lies in identifying technological determinism in modern currents of humanism and its argumentation through the definition of technoculture. Conclusions. In the publication, it is argued that the formation of new currents in humanism, such as transhumanism, which are based on the use of technology and its impact on sociocultural processes, leads to the emergence of a new concept – technoculture. Technoculture reflects our approach to technology not just as tools, but also as essential elements of our culture that shape our worldview and our role in it. Transhumanism, on its part, focuses on the capabilities of technologies in changing the essence of humanity. It examines technologies not only as means to improve life, but also as tools for radical restructuring and adaptation of human existence, starting from biological to cognitive characteristics. These two currents highlight the interdependence between humans and technology, but also point to the complexity and contentiousness of this interaction.

Keywords: technoculture, transhumanism, postmodernism, modern technologies.




