Historical Cossack Portrait in the Work of Natalia Pavlusenko


  • Volodymyr Pekarchuk
  • Tetiana Filina
  • Yuliya Maystrenko-Vakulenko




The purpose of the work is to explore the genre of the historical Cossack portrait in the work of contemporary Kyiv artist Natalia Pavlusenko. The methodology of the research consists in the application of the art method, biographical, research, as well as analytical, historical, descriptive, which together made it possible to achieve substantiated research results. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time the work of the contemporary Kyiv artist N. Pavlusenko is examined within the framework of the author's artistic project "Heroes of Cossack Ukraine". Conclusions. As a result of the conducted research, it was established that the work of N. Pavlusenko in the genre of historical Cossack portrait belongs to modern artistic phenomena and is a notable contribution to the development of the Ukrainian historical genre of painting. The series of the artist's works, united by the artistic project "Heroes of Cossack Ukraine", is a series of portraits of hetmans and atamans of the Cossack period in the author's performance with high professional skill. Each of the works is the author's interpretation of the image based on the study of a significant number of historical sources, which conveys not only the authenticity of the era, but is marked by a certain psychologism and character. The designated project of the historical Cossack portrait is a significant contribution to the popularisation of Ukrainian history and art, as well as the promotion of patriotism and national-cultural identity.

Keywords: Natalia Pavlusenko, historical Cossack portrait, historical painting, picture, "Heroes of Cossack Ukraine" project, historical figures, Cossack hetmans.





Образотворче мистецтво, декоративне мистецтво, реставрація