
  • Nurberdy Amanmuradov



сulture, values, values orienteering, culture-making processes, cultural fractal, cultural heritage


The purpose of the article is to highlight the axiological aspects of the processes of cultivation in Turkmenistan. Methodology. The basis of the choice of research methods were the foundations of systemic and integrated approach. The method of analysis and synthesis used in work, which allowed to trace the development of valuable principles of cultural growth in Turkmenistan and the development of modern culture in a time perspective. The scientific novelty is that for the first time the problem of value determination of the processes of formation and development of the modern culture of Turkmenistan in the unity and interaction of the versatile dynamics of cultural evolution has been actualized. Conclusions. Values are formed by traditional culture, have a particular color of all the personal business, and that is extremely important, as transformed by going through the prism of experience, will be transferred to future generations. The inextricable connection of time and generations is possible only due to the constant cultural traditions that have been preserved and cause the revival of true spirituality that has always existed in culture. Traditional and innovative is considered to be two sides of the existence of culture. On the one hand, it is in traditions that various elements of the cultural heritage – values, norms, customs, ideas, myths, ceremonies, folklore – are preserved and transmitted from one generation to another. On the other hand, no cultural innovation will occur if they do not find support in traditional value orientations. Innovation can be considered only what is mastered in culture, leads to a change in the constituent elements of human activity. In the process of cultural change, various aspects of cultural experience are born, fixed and disseminated. The significance, influence, and degree of distribution of these elements depends mainly on the source of their occurrence.

Author Biography

Nurberdy Amanmuradov

Candidate of Political Science, Ambassador of Turkmenistan in
Ukraine, Doctoral student of the National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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