
  • Batalkina Valentyna



sculptur, museum-gallery, plastic arts of small forms, museum exposition, cultural values


Purpose of Article. To disclose the state and explore the artistic features of sculpture and plastic arts of small forms as well as their historical and artistic study content in the exposition of Zaporozhye Museum-gallery of applied ceramics and artistic creativity of Ilya and Alexey Burley. The methodology of the study consists in the application of methods of artistic study, comparative analysis, and compositionality which demonstrates the presence of artworks in the museum exposition along with the articles of architectural and constructional ceramics. Scientific Novelty of the work consists in the study of plastic arts of small forms in the exhibition of the modern museum, the disclosure of specifics of artistic language of sculpture, synthetic techniques of small structures and their historical and creative content in the exposition. Conclusions. The historical and artistic content of the collection of sculpture and plastic arts of small forms in the exhibition of Zaporozhye Museum-gallery of applied ceramics and artistic creativity of Ilya and Alexey Burley as a complex of cultural values has been defined. The analysis of more than thousand entries in the Books of Comments has proved that artworks exhibited in the museum-gallery influence integrity and self-esteem of a personality.

Author Biography

Batalkina Valentyna

Leader, Author, and Founder of Zaporizhye Museum-gallery of
Applied Ceramics and Art Creativity of Ilya and Alexey Burley


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