
  • Anna Boiko



Chinese pop-vocal art, Chinese musical culture, cultural dialogue, stylistic tendencies, performing, national traditions, foreign influences, pop singers, «Chinese style»


The purpose of the article is to highlight the specific of the development of the Chinese pop and vocal music in the early twenty-first century. The methodology of the study is based on the integrated use of historical, cultural, systematic and comparative methods. The scientific novelty of the work consists of the fact that for the first time in Ukrainian art studies and cultural studies are determined the main features of the development of the pop and vocal music of the Heavenly Empire at the beginning of XXI century. Conclusions. At the present stage, the pop and vocal direction became one of the most popular in the country. A significant role in its distribution is given to the mass media. China's the pop, and vocal Music (mandopop) is characterized by a stylistic diversity, among which the "Chinese style" occupies a special place. The cultural dialogue with other countries plays an essential role in the development of the pop and vocal art, thanks to which Chinese musicians can actively use popular foreign styles, vocal manners and others in their work. This intercultural collaboration has also significantly contributed to the recognition of the Chinese pop and vocal music in the international cultural space.

Author Biography

Anna Boiko

Postgraduate student, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture


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