Culture of Turkmenistan in the system of intercultural interactions


  • Nurberdy Amanmuradov



the culture of Turkmenistan, intercultural interactions, the dialogue of cultures, polyethnic societies


Purpose of Article. The study aims to research the culture of Turkmenistan in the system of modern intercultural interactions due to the tendencies of development of multicultural societies. Methodology. The study was carried out by the systematic and integrated approach. The historical- chronological method and the method of cultural analysis were applied, which allowed to reveal the peculiarities of implementing intercultural interactions in the conditions of global development of multicultural societies, and, in particular, to study the trends of cultural and dialogical development of Turkmenistan's culture in the modern period determined by the directions of the implementation of the state cultural policy. The scientific novelty of the research is to analyze the cultural development of Turkmenistan concerning intercultural interactions and dialogueness of the cultures of the modern multicultural world. Conclusions. Cultural dialogue, being one of the priorities of the contemporary cultural policy of the country, promotes inter-ethnic, inter-ethnic consolidation, humanization of interstate relations, integration of Turkmenistan into the world cultural process. An essential link in the system of measures aimed at renewal of the spiritual life of the people is the international cultural relations of the country. Analysis of practical activities in the field of culture suggests the presence of visible tendencies in the development of new cultural policy by the state, the characteristic of which is the active involvement and participation of the general public in cultural cooperation.

Author Biography

Nurberdy Amanmuradov

Candidate of Political Science Ambassador of Turkmenistan in Ukraine doctoral student of the National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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