Theatrical culture of Zaporizhzhya region: ways of formation (the Soviet period)


  • Olexandr Antonenko



Zaporizhzhya region, theatrical culture, professional theatre, amateur theatrical movement, repertoire


Purpose of Article. To consider the process of establishing and detailing little-known facts from the history of Zaporizhzhya theatrical culture development within the chronology of the Soviet period. Methodology. The methodology of the research consists in applying the method of source study analysis, cultural and historical approaches. Scientific Novelty. For the first time analyzed the process of formation and development of the dramatic culture of Zaporizhzhya of the Soviet period. Introduced into the scientific circulation of archival materials that enrich the knowledge about the different aspects of the development of theatrical culture of the region. Conclusions. The process of formation of the theatre of the Zaporizhzhya region began with amateur theatre associations in the early twentieth century. Within the 30s of the XX century, there was a process of branching of the theatrical culture of the region on the professional and amateur. Despite the considerable political involvement of the cultural sector in the study period, the theatrical art is increasingly popular and mass. The material of the article is a profound basis for further researches in the field of the study of the theatrical culture of the region and enrich the history of the national theatrical culture of new factual material.

Author Biography

Olexandr Antonenko

PhD of Art, Associate Professor at the Department of Instrumental Performing and Art of pop Musical at Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky


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