
  • Oleg Badalov




Лариса Роговець, вокальний конкурс, педагог, солістка, опера, репертуар


Purpose of Article. The goal of the research is to cover the stages of the life-stage development of the Chernihiv Philharmonic Center’s soloist, the Revutsky Music College’s lecturer, People Artist of Ukraine Larisa Rohovets, understanding her contribution to the development of Chernihiv region’s vocal culture of the ending of the 20th - the beginning of the 21th centuries. In the field of view of the author - singularity formation of L. Rohovets’ individuality in the ending of 1980 - beginning 1990, to research her performance and pedagogical of the ending of the 20th - the first ten years of the 21st centuries. Methodology. Historical-chronological, source study, and logical-resumptive methods constitute the methodological basis of the work to study L. Rohovets ’ creative biography, the analysis of data from periodical sources. The scientific novelty of the research is conditioned by the fact of the first research in the national musicology the life-creativity of L. Rohovets as one of the most outstanding singers of Ukraine, the leading representative of modern vocal culture of Chernihiv region, the introduction into scientific use of materials about the peculiarities of her culture-making activity in the Chernihiv region. Conclusions. The results of this research made it possible to draw a conclusion on the priority role of L. Rohovets in the development of the modern vocal culture of Chernihiv region. It is proved that a significant influence on the formation of the personality of the singer was made by creative communication with great performers Z. Dolukhanova and I. Arkhipova. In early 1990, during formation Ukraine culture as part of European culture, L. Rohovets became the only one representative of Chernihiv region’s vocal culture, having won in ten international competitions. As performer-enlightener Rohovets represented pieces of unknown authors, folk songs made premieres of modern regional authors’ works. Her pedagogical work with students is characterized by high efficiency, which contributes to the further development of regional vocal culture.

Author Biography

Oleg Badalov

Ph.D. in Arts, Senior lecturer, vice-principal of Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education «Children's Art School №2», Surgut, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra, Russia


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