The art as an indispensable component of the reality exploration process by a human


  • Serhii Bondarenko



interpretation, the art, world picture, consciousness


Purpose of Article. The goal of the work is describing some algorithms of worldview and figurative creation as a way of visual presentation of «world picture». In the mentioned context, figurative art is seen as a system of reality exploitation through the exceptional needs of the individual structuring information, and its fixing in art practices. Methodology. The methodological basis of the study is general scientific and cultural methods of the study which are used to understand the relationships between historical reality changes and different forms of art processes. Scientific Novelties. In the article, the art is described as an open polystylistic structure in which formative process of art action is universal representative of worldview content. Conclusions. The art having highly sensitive worldview sensors and instruments of figurative creation allows a person to change the language and images with the help of which she interprets surroundings, creating her own «worldpicture».

Author Biography

Serhii Bondarenko

Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Graphics Department, National Tehnical University of Ukraine, «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute»


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