Phenomenon of tradition in watercolor through the esthetic of music


  • Nataliia Veligura



watercolor painting, phenomenon, tradition, music aesthetics


Purpose of Article. The goal of the research: to trace the features of watercolor painting through the prism of the historical formation of traditional techniques, to carry out a comparative analysis of the watercolors as music of painting, to reveal the definitions of the phenomenon of traditions in modern watercolors. Methodology. The research methodology formed taking into account the put purpose, that allows to use methods: cultural and historical, analysis and synthesis, comparatively stylistic, associative and broad analogies, comparatively descriptive, extrapolations. The scientific novelty is to reveal the definition of the phenomenon of the tradition that has been historically formed in terms of the modern watercolors, as well as a new look at the watercolor painting as a frozen music that has become shaped and continues to sound in the works of masters through the centuries. Conclusions. History of the watercolor painting goes profoundly to the past by its roots. Looking back, from the height of XXI age, it is possible to trace an origin and forming already of traditional technician watercourse which mortgage basis artistically-visual works. They say, that without the past there is not the future, that is why a definition of tradition phenomena it the historically formed set of the watercolor painting techniques, which became the basis for the opening of new author methods of work in a watercolor.

Author Biography

Nataliia Veligura

graduate student, The National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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