The musical art of Armenians in the Ukrainian cultural space


  • Kateryna Dannyk



Armenians, culture, ethnos, art, music, chamber music, Armenian musician, stage, festival


Purpose of Article. The research is devoted to the manifestation of the activities of representatives of Armenian musical art in the Ukrainian cultural space and the characteristic of their creative work. Methodology. The following methods and approaches are used during the research: interviewing of musicians for the gathering of primary data, hermeneutic approach that provides an understanding of the phenomenon of Armenian musical culture in the Ukrainian space. With the help of a retrospective exhibition of classical Armenian music, the basic principles that preceded the current state of the Armenian stage on the Ukrainian territory were revealed. Scientific Novelty. A cultural review of Ukrainian-Armenian musical connections was carried out at the present stage of Ukraine's development for the first time. Conclusions. It was ascertained that Armenian music has deep historical roots. That is the reason why Armenian music is substantially complementing the multicolored palette of Ukrainian cultural landscape. The role of particular representatives of the Armenian ethnic group in the musical art of modern Ukraine has been described.

Author Biography

Kateryna Dannyk

post-graduate of Kiev National University of Culture and Arts


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