Linguistic communicative game as a means of expression of value dominant in the postfolcore texts


  • Zhanna Denysyuk



post-folklore texts, linguistic game, communication, game modes, value domains


Purpose of Article. The aim of the study is to identify the basis of the characteristics of the linguistic-communicative game in post-folklore tests, with the help of which the value-idea of the mentioned concepts are represented. The methodology of the research is to apply analytical, linguistic, axiological, cultural science methods in the study of the concept of a linguistic game in the texts of the post-folklore. The scientific novelty of the work is the notion of the communicative- linguistic game has been applied to the analysis of post-folklore texts and the identification of their value-semantic dominant for the first time. Conclusions. The study found that the representation of value-semantic concepts in the texts of post-folklore is primarily defined by technical features of the digital environment existence that affects the ways of expressing ideological and semantic content. The variability of texts of post-folklore as purely verbal, and with the use of polymodal sign systems determines the formation of stylistically-meaning expressive means, among which the general principle of immobilization (linguistic-play game) and creolization is distinguished. Within the framework of the carnivalized Internet environment and the entertaining and laughing formats of post-folklore, with the help of a linguistic game, new ways of comprehending everyday reality in the plane of axiological assessment and modern values of society are achieved. Consequently, numerous post-folklore works appearing in the course of everyday’s communicative practices contain information for the general public and are embodied in the context of the expressive language-stylistic and artistic images.

Author Biography

Zhanna Denysyuk

Ph.D. of Cultural Science, Head of research and publishing department of National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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