
  • Iryna Gutnyk



Ukrainian folk-stage dance, choreographic performing, ballet master, regional peculiarities, originality, gopak, kozachok, metelitsa


Purpose of the article is analyzing of particular features of amateur folk choreography development of Ukraine nowadays and definition of main directions in the folk dance performers activity of young ballet masters. The methodology of the research is represented by general scientific methods of theoretical and empirical levels: analyzing and generalization of scientific - theoretical research basis, comparative and logical ways. The mentioned methods give the possibility to investigate the modern standard of amateur folk choreography development and to find out main directions of ballet masters` activity of folk-stage choreography as well as relevant factors. Scientific novelty of the research comprises distinguishing of both positive and negative trends the activity of young ballet masters - Ukrainian folk-stage dance performers and finding ways of drawbacks prevention in the performances. Conclusions. Nowadays one can state greater attention of young ballet masters to Ukrainian folk-stage dance performing. Lately, producers not only remake outstanding masters dances but also learn and work out dancing folklore of their regions, create choreographic compositions on the base of particular folk customs and holidays of the certain places. Otherwise contrary to positive characteristics, in young ballet master’s performances, there are some negative points, such as ignoring of Ukrainian folk dance peculiarities. This problem can be solved with the help popularization of contests festivals which suppose strict criteria and high level of participant’s professionalism. These events can also contribute to the improvement of general art level of choreographic performing.

Author Biography

Iryna Gutnyk

Pedagogical Sciences Candidate, Senior Lecturer, Head of Folk and Classic Choreography Department, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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