
  • Yevhen Hula
  • Valentina Bystryakova
  • Alla Osadcha




design, industrial design design art, what design, , urbanization, urbanistic, city, urban environment, city space, town planning


Purpose of the article is to research the general role of urbanization, and urbanistic in development of design is conducted. The methodology of research consists in the application of comparative, historical and logical methods. The specified methodological approach allows to open and subject to the analysis of specific models of a ratio of urbanization and design. The scientific novelty of work consists in the expansion of ideas of evolution of design in his ratio with urbanization. The place of design in the urbanized world of XXI century is revealed. Determination of design during an era of postmodernism and dynamic urbanization is offered. The value of design of the urban environment is considered. It is proved that topical issue of the design of city space is the ratio traditional and innovative. The directions of modern design of a city architecture are established. The connection of design of the city with the development of city planning structures is analyzed. Separate components of the design of housing construction in the towns are investigated, the value of architecture of neo-historicism, regionalism. Problem aspects of the design of the cities and the urban environment in Ukraine are revealed. Conclusions. Cultural development of XXI century assumes the further distribution of urbanization and design of the large cities. The urbanization is understood as historical process of growth of a role of the cities in the development of the society which covers social and professional, demographic structure of the population, his way of life, culture, placement of productive forces, resettlement, etc. A new role of design in the world culture of XXI century is the interaction of arts, integrity, and unity surrounding environments and the place of the person in this harmonious space. The being criteria of modern design art in town planning are the advantage, beauty, and reliability. The design performs as special plastic and semantic and at the same time utilitarian and art communication medium of the urban environment with the world around. The design of space of the city in XXI century has different substantial filling and foreshortenings, is presented in scientific works, works of art, digital modeling, formed by the social organization of city communities, daily practicians, and lifestyles, gets new outlines in the sphere of cultural consumption. As the topical issue of design of city space the ratio traditional and innovative acts (harmonious association of these vectors is optimum). An interesting trend of city design is the organic architecture, the splash in interest in which at the beginning of XXI century is connected with the formation of ecological esthetics which acknowledges the possibility and the importance of direct external analogies of architectural forms to forms of the organic nature.

Author Biographies

Yevhen Hula

Professor, Drawing and Painting Department Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

Valentina Bystryakova

Associate Professor, Drawing and Painting Department Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

Alla Osadcha

Senior Lecturer, Drawing and Painting Department Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


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