Specific of the vocal educating theatrical actors in the higher art-schools


  • Olekh Dzyuba




vocal, actor, drama, psyche, emotions, stage appearance


Purpose of Article. A sophisticated approach is a basis of the research methodology. Methodology. The foundation of the study is a summary of empiric, historical, and biographic methods created within the result of the vocal practice of author of the article and his pedagogical experience. The creative way of singers, actors, and different figures of the art world are studied in the research. A theoretical base is found in the analysis of literature from the different areas of art study, musicology, vocal and theatrical pedagogics, history and theory of theatre. Scientific Novelty. The scientific content of the certain work consists in the questions related to the features of forming of creative personality of the singer or actor; influence the individual psychological state and physical form concerning the vocal activity or theatre one. Conclusions. The problem of the article requires the changes of the paradigm of education. The main feature of singing actors of theater is the integrity of their appearance on the stage. Psychological bases of singing, an emotional mood made the significant part of theory and technique of vocal art. The mentioned properties must be taken into account by a mentor in the context of the preparation process of professional actors.

Author Biography

Olekh Dzyuba

People's Artist of Ukraine, Associate professor, yiv National University of Culture and Arts


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