Transformation of the audio-visual parameters of the stage space in the artistic activities of the Academic Chamber Choir “Khreschatyk”


  • Oksana Dondyk



modern Ukrainian choral performance, concerts of the Academic Chamber Choir “Khreschatyk”, the transformation of the audio-visual parameters of stage space, experimental aspects of modern concert practice.


Purpose of Article. The study aims to research the introduction of the phenomenon of transformation of the audio-visual parameters of stage space as an essential part of the artistic activities of the Academic Chamber Choir “Khreschatyk.” The methodology of the research is based on using the universal scientific methods, such as induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, structural and comparative analysis, systematization and summarizing. The use of the mentioned techniques allows to see the different aspects of the problems in details and gives an opportunity to synthesize reasonably the research results in the relevant findings. Scientific novelty of the work consists in expanding the concepts about the multivariate opportunities of the artistic transformation of the audio-visual parameters of stage space, as the expression of the interpretation and innovation tendencies, relating to modern Ukrainian chamber and choral performance, which are actualized in the concerts of the Academic Chamber Choir “Khreschatyk.” Conclusions. The conducted analysis has proved that transformation of the audio-visual parameters of stage space is an inherent part of the artistic activities of the Academic Chamber Choir “Khreschatyk.” Personifying the powerful innovation and evolution factor in the development of modern national choral performance, this transformation is the fundamental basis of the artistic activities of the Academic Chamber Choir “Khreschatyk.” Also, it characterizes the experimental search of the management team, producers, and choir singers, which are directed at comprehending and rethinking of different genres of music and stage information, programming in musical artifacts of different ages and style and stylistic directions.

Author Biography

Oksana Dondyk

Honored Artist of Urkaine, Senior lecturer of the Academic Choral and Instrumental Art Department, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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