
  • Liudmyla Khotsianovska



ballet, ballet music, choreography, choreographic art, dance, classical dance, modern dance, performance, tours, modernist style, postmodern, metamodern style, interpenetration, school


The purpose of the article research of features of the interpenetration of Ukrainian and the European choreographic art in the period of independence of our country. Methodology. The methodology of research consists in application of art-criticism, comparative, historical and logical methods. Scientific novelty of analysis consists in the attempt to analyze the interaction between Ukrainian and European choreographic arts from changes of cultural eras. Conclusions. Ukraine as the integral component of the European culture, since obtaining the state independence in 1991 always tried to be guided by the all-European art track. In the sphere of dance, it concerned consideration of this art as the tool for development of a body of performers and formation of their individual and collective choreographic lexicon. Both in the countries of Europe and in Ukraine for the last decades, a considerable number of dancing schools and studios has opened, new dancing styles develop, interest in the directions not only modern but also classical dance amplifies. For our country important that in Europe for choreographic art the research orientation caused by an interaction of dance with a philosophy of the movement and also a complex of knowledge of opportunities of a human body is characteristic. Interchange and interpenetration of the Ukrainian and European choreographic traditions it was traditionally carried out through works of certain outstanding dancers, ballet masters (directors, choreographers, teachers).

Author Biography

Liudmyla Khotsianovska

Associate Professor at the National and Classical Choreography
Department, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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