
  • Iryna Klymbus



composer, adapting, folk song, violin, Biedermeier


The purpose of the article is to consider Borys Kudryk’s cycle of Ukrainian folk songs adapted for three violins in the context of the artistic and aesthetic properties of Biedermeier, attributes of which had been traced in the musical art of the interwar Galicia. The methodology is to combine an analytical method with a contextual one in order to determine firstly, the stylistic features of the composer’s approach to the folk primary sources of different genres, reflected in the ensemble composition, types of texture, harmonic techniques, etc.; and, secondly, to highlight close ties between B. Kudrick’s activities as a composer, musicologist and an educator. Scientific novelty of the article lies in the characterization of the little-known composition. Conclusions. The musical language of B. Kudrick’s ensemble adapting of Ukrainian folk songs for three violins is characterized by simplicity of textural and harmonious means, holding to figurative, structural-rhythmic, tonal signs of song samples, at the same time, the composer's apparent attraction to the classical style of writing. All this makes up a  stylistic amalgam, close to Biedermeier. The choices of songs for the work affected the preferences of Kudrick-the-musicologist and the intentions of Kudrick-the-teacher. The cycle for three violins is updated in modern pedagogical practice for beginners and music lovers.

Author Biography

Iryna Klymbus

Post-graduate student, Department of Performing Arts Educational and Scientific Institute of Arts, State Pedagogical University "Precarpathian National University name after Vasyl
Stefanyk »


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