
  • Anastasiia Korol



Ukrainian ballet, female images, artistic image, choreography, dance


Purpose of the article is to reveal the specificity of female images in Ukrainian ballets of national themes of the mid-20th century. Through the acceptance of artistic imagery and symbolism. Methodology. The methodology consists of using the problem-chronological principle, synthesis methods, art criticism analysis, which allowed to conduct scientifically objective research. Scientific Novelty. Scientific novelty includes in a retrospective analysis of female images of Ukrainian ballets, revealing their main artistic and imaginative load - demonstrating the profound essence of the tragic fate of Ukrainian women, raising the portrait of a woman to the level of a symbol. Conclusions. Female images in ballets of national themes ("Pan Kanovskyi," "Lileia," " Marusia Bohuslavka," "Witch" etc.) broadcast a system of symbols associated with the image of women in Ukrainian literature and folklore. The motifs of the tragic fate of a strong personality predominate, which is a landmark for ballets of Ukrainian themes. A characteristic feature of female images of ballets of national themes was the depiction of personal experiences in close connection with the disclosure of ideas of the people's liberation struggle, which was an actual topic in the Soviet theater of the mid-20th century. The role of the artist's individuality in revealing the artistic image is clearly shown in the choreography and performing the art of choreography (various interpretations of Bondarivna in "Pan Kanovskyi" by V. Dulenko, H. Lerkhe, O. Havrylova).

Author Biography

Anastasiia Korol

Lecturer, Department of Folk Choreography, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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