Ukrainian theater organizational problems of the second half of the 80-ies of the XX century


  • Roman Yesypenko



Ukrainian theater, repertoire, personnel, organization of theatrical business


Purpose of Article. The goal of the research is to present the issues that arose in the Ukrainian theater in the middle 1980-ies after the party and state apparatus made dramatic changes in the leadership state, announcing restructuring (perestroika). Methodology. During the analysis of the material, the following methods were used: analytical - in the study of historical, art, and cultural sources to form the methodological foundations of the study, historical - in terms of considering the general state of Ukrainian theatrical art of the mentioned period, art criticism - in analyzing the creative achievements and miscalculations of the Ukrainian theater, when collecting the material to confirm these or other statements, the theoretical - when summarizing the results of the research. Scientific novelty of the materials of this article is that the author presents the own vision of the state of drama and theatrical art of this period, the problems of socio-political life, as the Ukrainian masters of stage art understood it, and the changes that occurred in the activity of the bureaucratic apparatus, which directly supervised the theatrical process. Conclusions. The article shows that in the middle 1980-ies of the 20th century the Ukrainian theater (its creative workers and administrative management) turned out to be not ready for the imminent fundamental positive changes in the organization of the creative activity of theater groups. The mentioned issues were transferred to the future generation.

Author Biography

Roman Yesypenko

doctor of History, professor, professor of Culture Studies and Information Communications, The National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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