
  • Ivan Kuzminsky
  • Mykhaylo Dovbyshchenko



puppet show, crib, violin, metropolitan and episcopal singers


Purpose of the article is to analyze newly discovered documents containing information about the theatrical and musical culture of the Volhynian Voivodeship in the early modern period and compare them with already popular documents. The methodology of the research is to apply descriptive, comparative and historical-logical methods. The above-mentioned methodological approach allows us to understand the place and significance of these documents in the history music and theatrical art of Ukraine. Scientific novelty. Two documents have been introduced to the scientific treatment, which is the most ancient evidence of the early modern period on the history of the theater and musical arts of the Volhynian Voivodeship for the first time. Also, the researcher made their rethinking and comparison with other documents of this time and a little later. Conclusions. The revealed documents are essential for the study of the history of theatrical and musical art in Ukraine of the Lithuanian-Polish era. The complaint about the beating of the puppeteers makes it possible to substantiate the time of the birth of the puppet theater on the Ukrainian lands (not later than the middle of the 16th century), as well as to confirm the use of the violin as a musical instrument to accompany theatrical performances. Also relevant is the information about the existence of the tradition of the den in the days of Easter holidays, since the crib was still associated with Christmas alone. The document on the abduction of singers is an additional confirmation of the value of this specialty in ancient Ukraine, as well as being the first documentary news about the existence of professional bishops church choirs. An assumption is made about the unique role of Metropolitan Hypatius Pociej in establishing the tradition of singing and instrumental chapels at the Metropolitan and Episcopal chairs of the Ruthenian Church in Ukraine and Belarus.

Author Biographies

Ivan Kuzminsky

Candidate of Art Studies doctoral student of the National Musical Academy of Ukraine named after. P. I. Tchaikovsky

Mykhaylo Dovbyshchenko

doctor of historical sciences, associate professor Professor of the Department of Publishing, Polygraphy and editing of the university"Ukraine"


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