
  • Serhii Kylymystyi



active leisure, cultural leisure, recreation, animation in tourism, cultural practice


Purpose of the article. The article analyzes the trends in the development of scientific thought in the context of the formation of animation as the direction of tourist leisure. There have been revealed conceptual approaches to recreation as sociocultural, recreational, and animation factors of tourist activity. The theoretical aspects of animation processes in tourism have been considered. The methodology of the research included methods of analysis and synthesis, systematization, and generalization, specific search, and logical methods, the reflection of own practical experience. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time the study of the transformation of scientific thought from traditional approaches to the understanding of leisure to modern views on animation and leisure activity in the field of tourism has been realized in work. Conclusions. Tourist leisure is a kind of tourist activity in free time, i.e., not regulated by tour itinerary, motivated by the individual needs of the tourist, chosen by the own desire in the place of his stay and aimed at satisfying recreational, cultural, cognitive and entertaining needs of the traveler. Animation and entertainment activity in tourism as a cultural practice has become the subject of research by scientists from leading tourist countries: France, the Netherlands, the United States, the Czech Republic, Russia, and others. In spite of this, the degree of scientific understanding of animation problem issues is low, although interest to animation as recreational and cultural practice is continuously increasing. Modern animation technologies are based on theoretical principles and practical mechanisms of cultural and leisure activities.

Author Biography

Serhii Kylymystyi

Senior Lecturer, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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