
  • Ming Li



Orientalism, cultural dialogue «East-West», European musical culture, the opera art, style «shyunazury», Ch. W. Gluck «Chinese women»


Purpose of the article is to identify the specificity of the development of the orientalism and its historically significant manifestation – style «shyunazury» – in the context of European opera of the 18th century. (On the example of the opera Ch. W. Gluck «Chinese women»). Methodology of the research is based on the integrated use of historical and cultural approaches, as well as methods of systematic and stylistic analysis. Scientific Novelty. For the first time in Ukrainian art history and culturology reveals the specificity of the orientalism and its main manifestation (style «shyunazury») in the musical art of the 18th century. Conclusions. The orientalism has had a significant influence on European musical art of the 18th century. This line combines various aspects of understanding and artistic absorption of all the cultural, spiritual and creative wealth, which is inherent in the Eastern world. The most important manifestation of Orientalism in European art of the 18th century is the style «shyunazury», the outstanding characteristics of which have received a bright embodiment in the opera works by Ch. W. Gluck («Chinese women») and many other composers.

Author Biography

Ming Li

Postgraduate student, Kharkiv Academy of Culture, Kharkiv


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