
  • Alexander Melnichenko
  • Iryna Gorchynska



ballet, Ukrainian ballet music, Ukrainian choreography, Mikhail Corkulsky, "Forest song"


The purpose of the article is to study stylistics and genre of the ballet "Forest Song" by the outstanding Ukrainian composer of the twentieth century. M.Chorulsky and to reveal its importance for the further development of the national ballet and ballet music. The methodology of the research is based on the integrated application of the structural-system approach, the biographical and art-study method, which allowed to reveal the characteristic features of the style of the ballet by M. Skorulsky "Forest Song" and its influence on the further development of ballet art of the twentieth century. The scientific novelty of the research is to identify and comprehend the genre-stylistic features of the M. Skorulsky's "Forest Song" in the aspect of the formation of the national ballet of the twentieth century. Conclusions. As a result of the research, it was found that the "Forest Song" by M. Skorulsky is the point of view of cultural and artistic phenomenology not only as a pearl of the Ukrainian ballet. In his work, the composer created a lyrical and psychological choreographic poem with integral musical images, full of dramatic content. In general, the creative heritage of M.Chorulsky consists of works of different genres, among them two symphonies, the oratorio "Voice of the mother", the opera "Wedding candle", the ballet "Bondarivna", chamber music. They are characterized by emotional saturation, symphonic thinking, poetry and national color.

Author Biographies

Alexander Melnichenko

Concertmaster of the highest category, Department of Folk Classical Choreography, Kiev National University of Culture and Arts

Iryna Gorchynska

Concertmaster of the highest category, Department of Folk Classical Choreography, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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