Creative features of activities of the Poltava Regional Academic Ukrainian Gogol Theatre of Musical Drama (1936-1950)


  • Yuriy Zlobin



show, the cast, the repertoire policy, and theater, evacuation, occupation, decisions


Purpose of Article. The research examines the activities of the Poltava Regional Academic Ukrainian Gogol Theatre of Musical Drama in 1936-1950 years of the twentieth century, the formation of the creative team and repertoire in pre-war years, the years of the Second world war (1941-1944), and the repertoire policy in the first postwar season in front of the face of increasing ideological pressure. Due to the fragmented nature of the existing historical and artistic works, the aim of the paper is a cultural study of musical drama theatre in Poltava in 1936-1950. The methodology of the research is the organic combination of the fundamental principles of analysis: objectivity, historicism, systematic, integrated approach, development, and pluralism to achieve the objectives of the study the following methods of scientific knowledge: problem-chronological, specific historical, statistical, descriptive, logical, and analytical. Scientific novelty of the work lies in the cultural study of musical drama theatre in Poltava in 1936-1950. Conclusions. The research has proved the value of the activities of the Poltava Regional Academic Ukrainian Gogol Theatre of Musical Drama in cultural life and its influence on the formation of the socio-political process in the ideologically harsh pre-war and post-war conditions of reconstruction of the country after the victory over the Nazi invaders.

Author Biography

Yuriy Zlobin

Candidate of Cultural Science, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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