Problems of the formation of the culturological component of professional training of future workers in the field of arts


  • Elena Kosinova



aesthetic learning environment, aesthetic life, pedagogical communication, training, extracurricular work, organize educational activities, creative, aesthetic education


Purpose of Article. The goal of the article it has been determined the essence of the notion “aesthetic learning environment” and peculiarities of its creation in the higher educational establishment. Methodology. Special attention is given to the fact that aesthetic learning environment connects students with surrounding reality and art, let us understand distinctness of peculiar conditions of aesthetic life. Scientific novelty. Aesthetic education allows students form the ability to see the highest ideal of beauty in Motherland service, in consolidation for peace and security of nations. Conclusions. Aesthetic education forms students understanding of beauty, aesthetic taste and high aesthetic ideals develop the need to keep beautiful and confirms the desire to make a beautiful life, to form it, as Karl Marx pointed out, "also according to the laws of beauty.” Aesthetic education allows students form the ability to see the highest ideal of beauty in Motherland service, in consolidation for peace and security of nations.

Author Biography

Elena Kosinova

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored Artist of Ukraine, Assistant Professor, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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