Gertruda Troyanova’s school of Bel canto and her performing and teaching activities


  • Olena Loshmanova



vocal school, bel canto, Gertruda Troyanova, singing art, vocal pedagogy


Purpose of Article. The work aims to study the style and methodological principles of the vocal school of the singer of Ukrainian origin G. Troyanova through the tradition of bel canto. The methodology of the research is based on an integrated approach. The work is based on the historical-biographical, theoretical (analysis of literature from different areas of art history, musicology, vocal pedagogy, the history of vocal styles and vocal schools) methods; elements of intonational, comparative, functional, stylistic, and performing methods of musical material analysis are used, which are based on the author’s performance and pedagogical experience and reveal the features of the creative formation of singers. Scientific novelty is centered in the fact that a sophisticated analysis of the performing and methodological activities of G. Troyanova was carried out for the first time in Ukrainian musicology and allowed to comprehend the principles of bel canto style functioning in the 20th century. Conclusions. G. Troyanova reveals the phonetic features of the systematic use of the method of singing on «long» vowel sounds. Principles of Waldorf Pedagogy directs the performing practice and methodology of the singer to the embodiment of the concept of free sound R. Steiner. Improving the tradition of solo singing leads to the creation and systematization of exercises that significantly enhance the quality of performance. The basis of the technology is the principles of Messa di voce - sound and breathing systems, characteristic for bel canto. The principles of the school are realized not only in academic vocals, which is proved by the broad recognition of the achievements of the students of G. Troyanova’s class in the field of pop, jazz, and folk vocals.

Author Biography

Olena Loshmanova

Senior Lecturer at the National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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