
  • Oksana Nikitiuk




chapel, «DUMKA», «Dniprosojuz», conductor, national choir


The purpose of the article is to explore the connections of the DUMKA chapel with the predecessors of the 1917-1919 biennium, to determine the year of the creation of the collective, to establish the person of the founder and the first conductor of the chapel. The methodology of work is to apply comparative, analytical and historical-logical methods in the analysis of archival materials, scientific studies of musicologists of different periods. Scientific novelty. It was found that the origins of the choir chapel «DUMKA» reach the choir of «Dniprosoyuz» led by P. Bihdash-Bogdashev (1918 – 1919). The history of a famous choir, contrary to the Soviet version, began in the days of the UNR and was associated with the national revival (1917-1920s) leaders: P. Bihdash-Bogdashev, D. Koliukh, O. Koshits, K. Stetsenko, O. Pryhodko. The analyzed information stated that K. Stetsenko played an important role in the creation of a Ukrainian national chorus. The processing of information made it possible to submit an updated chronology of all conductors of the chapel for its centennial history. Conclusions. An understanding of the situation in the cultural life of Ukraine in the 1917-1920's gives a new point of reference to the history of the «DUMKA» chapel, forming an idea of the purpose of its creative activity. On its way, there were different periods: ups and downs, but from the time when E. Savchuk became the leader of the group, «DUMKA» gradually began to revive the Ukrainian, in particular spiritual, music, to popularize Ukrainian music to the world. The idea of creating a Ukrainian national choir was a century-old way of development and thanks to the activities of domestic choir leaders, composers, musicologists embodied in the creative concept of the National Choir «DUMKA» under the guidance of E. Savchuk.

Author Biography

Oksana Nikitiuk

Aspirant, Department of Musicology and Ethnomusicology, Institute of Art Studies and Ethnology named after Maksym Rylskiy, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


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