Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the preparation of the instrumentalists for creative activities


  • Herold Martseniuk



the ability for music and creativity, performing thinking, psychological aspects, collective music-making


Purpose of Article. The research is devoted to the search for new tools and methods for identification of patterns of the functioning of music and psychological processes, usage of different concepts targeted at the creative development of the musician's abilities. Methodology. Methodological basis of the research is performed by methods of analysis, systematizations, and generalizations in the process of reviewing scientific sources at the practical training during the instrumental and orchestral performance, general pedagogy, and music psychology problems; such methodological approach allows to reveal the essence of the issues of the certain research. Scientific novelty involves broadening the ideas on the means of creative abilities formation and psychological aspects of instrumentalists training for further usage in the professional activity. Conclusions. The analysis of scientific papers devoted to the study of different aspects of the creative activity of humanitarian students makes it possible to form the personal understanding of acute problems and reveal peculiarities of students' professional training profoundly.

Author Biography

Herold Martseniuk

Candidate of Art History, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Professor of Instrumental Art Department, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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