Professional responsibility of lecturer in terms of the working with music text


  • Nataliia Nesterenko



lecturer, pupil, composer, performer, a music piece, cooperation, creative process


Purpose of Article. The aim of the research is task analysis which a lecturer faces working with a music text. The methodology of the study consists of using musicological, system-structural, logic-analytical methods which allow to undergo analysis and reveal the artistic content of a music piece, cover all elements of a musical pattern, understand a peculiarity of step-by-step work within a music text. Scientific research novelty lies in revealing professional approach working with music text, what is an important condition of understanding music content and ulteriorly professional performer’s growth. Conclusions. Work upon a piece of music must be held in a creative cooperation of a lecturer with a pupil, thoughts exchange, feelings, considerations. A lecturer’s serious task is to make a pupil believe that all recommended techniques of learning a piece of music will lead to the desired result. Lecturer’s participation must be actively creative from the moment of a pupil ’s appearance on the stage.

Author Biography

Nataliia Nesterenko

Methodologist in fortepiano category Chernihiv musical school №1 named after S.Vilkonskyi


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